Aug. 7 1995.
We will now discuss how the Pleiadians say we can work
less. I don't figure I'll too many gripes about that.
Another fallacy is that the Pleiadians are so highly developed spiritually that they no longer need to perform manual labor. Once again, this is far from the truth. The Pleiadians perform manuual labor to earn a living and to balance their spiritual studies. Work is performed on Earth an average of 11 hours per day. In contrast the inhabitants of Erra only work 2 hours each day. Adults and adolescents alike are required to perform manual work ever day wihout pay for the welfare of the general public. In exchange for their participation, each person on Erra receives all of life's necessities free of charge. The Pleiadians are not limited to one specific job. Their daily work requirement can be performed anywhere on the planet since it takes them only an instant to move thousands of miles around the planet to a farm, industrial unit or manufacturing plant. The Pleiadians are not bound to the same type of work month after month, and they are free to change jobs and work locations as ofter as they wish. This allows them new learning and creative experiences, and provides opportunities for meeting new people. In sharp constrast to this, on Earth we are generally bound to the same routine job year after year. Upon completion of their daily work requirement, Pleiadians are free to do as they please. However, they do not waste their time performing meaningless activities. They continue to study and improve themselves. Even the elderly do not retire. They continue to grow their own food supplies while helping others with their agricultural activites. It is very common for a Pleiadian to have learned more than 25 different trades or disciplines, and for this reason there are virtually no work shortages on Erra.
In spite of the many differences between the Pleiadians and us, we do share many similarities. For example, our love for music is a common bond we share. The Pleiadians also have mucic schools that can be attended only by truly talented individuals who will later work for the benefit of the community. During a visit to Erra, Billy asked if he could bring back recordings of their music. They turned down his request and explained that their music would sound so incredibly harmonious to us that we would be unable to control ourselves because the yearning for this harmonious sound would overwhelm us.
We hope you have enjoyed this series of articles on the contacts of Eduard "Billy" Meier. We thank Billy for specifically allowing us to write and publish these articles. We also wish to thank Guido Moosburgger for the many hours he has spent with our group and the hundreds of questons he has patiently answered for us. Without their help these articles would not have been possible. As a final note, we extend our sincere thanks to the hundreds of people who have written to us and to those who continue to support the goals and efforts of our small group. Saalome.
JW I've heard from other space people that if you have a special project on which you want to work, then you can work as many hours as you like.
Part 5 of 5.
Source Of Information: This artilce was written by Michael Whelan in the INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY, VOL. 3 NO. 3, 11684 VENTURA BLVD, SUITE 7708, STUDIO CITY, CA 91604.
Remember: G-- plus one is always a majority!
John Winston.